The rantings, observations, and discussions of a progressive conservative.

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22 July 2005

From the OA News: Embattled ag dean resigns:

Jack Stripling / Staff Writer
July 22, 2005

Auburn University’s embattled dean of agriculture resigned as head of the college Thursday, but Michael Weiss managed to salvage his position as a tenured professor in a last-minute deal brokered by his attorney.

Weiss, who faced charges the university never disclosed, was fighting for his job in a rare faculty dismissal hearing process, which carries all of the alure of courtroom drama. Witnesses were prepared to testify on both sides during a closed session Thursday, and Weiss was represented by Montgomery attorney Julian McPhillips.

Still no word on who the fill-in will be. That news is supposed to come out sometime today.

-the Progressive Conservative

One of my sources on the ground on Auburn's campus reports no news on the dean selection as of 1:20pm and says not to expect any until around 4:45pm (close of the business day for the university).

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