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05 August 2005

Alabama in the News: leading a trend in a good way

The state Legislature's and Govonor Riley's quick response to the KELO ruling have shown at Alabama can lead the way in this nation. (HT: Instapundit)

From yesterday's Washington Times:
Alabama limits eminent domain
By Donald Lambro
August 4, 2005
Alabama yesterday became the first state to enact new protections against local-government seizure of property allowed under a Supreme Court ruling that has triggered an explosive grass-roots counteroffensive across the country.
Republican Gov. Bob Riley signed a bill that was passed unanimously by a special session of the Alabama Legislature, which would prohibit governments from using their eminent-domain authority to take privately owned properties for the purpose of turning them over to retail, industrial, office or residential developers.
Calling the high court's June 23 ruling "misguided" and a "threat to all property owners," Mr. Riley said, "A property rights revolt is sweeping the nation, and Alabama is leading it."
(click for full article)

Rick and Bubba reported yesterday morning that Riley signed the bill as a few cities were trying to seize land under KELO before it could be banned in the state. Anyone living in a city whose officials would attempt such theft should work to be sure they do not keep their jobs.

-the Progressive Conservative

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