The rantings, observations, and discussions of a progressive conservative.

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20 October 2005

Is this really how you intend to win believers?

While I was not a witness to this, several friends and classmates have been telling me about a "preacher" who was on the Concourse here at Auburn University on Tuesday. This is not uuusual, as the concourse is regularly used as a public forum for many different groups trying to get their message out in one way or another. But this instance is one I have to bring into question.

The supposed "preacher" was apparently spewing condemnations at passing students. The gems that were passed along to me seemed to all end with "you're going to hell." I have a very particular disgust for such attempts at evangelism, because of the inherent flaw that dooms them to failure. Christ did not come to earth to condemn us; it says that plain as day in the Scriptures:
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
-John 3:17 (KJV)

This is one of my favorite verses, more so than the one preceding it, because Christianity is for all who seek salvation. It has a "come as you are" approach, literally; you need not clean up your act, because the point is for you to offer yourself as you are and let God turn you into the person He wants you to be.

But then someone comes in the name of God to bring the message to people, and neglects this central principle. Instead, they preach condemnation. That make work some places, but not on a college campus, the students are too smart, they know that is not true Christianity.

Something reported to me about this "preacher"'s visit that concerns me: In order to be on the Concourse like this, one must apply for a permit, which is almost always granted, but the University knew this individual's presence would be inflamatory, and so had police officers present to maintain order. One of my classmates witnessed these officers tell someone who tried to reply to the condemning speech that they could not. Apparently, the officers were there to ensure the "preacher" would get is "free speech that is guaranteed by the First Amendment, and anyone who wants to talk back needs to go to Foy Union and get a permit."

I cannot believe this. It has to be a joke. Maybe these officers had actually studied the First Amendment to the degree I have, but every citizen of this great country should know that is exactly the situation the First Amendment was made to prevent. Now I understand the motivation of these officers, because the atmosphere around a concourse speaker like the "preacher" tends to be particularly charged, and the last thing the police want is to see a speaker beaten down by students, even if they probably deserved it. Still, the students had every right to speak their minds to this misguided individual. Thankfully, the majority of Auburn students know that true Christianity is not about yelling at passing students. Still, no one should have the right to point at girls walking by that they are whores and had sex the night before solely based off of the fact they are wearing shorts.

-the Progressive Conservative

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