The rantings, observations, and discussions of a progressive conservative.

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04 October 2005

On Abortion and the deeper cancer

I've touched on this before, but to end my hiatus from posting here I'll address it again.

In a previous post, I brought over my article on abortion from my first blog. In it, I approached the issue as actually being two issues which formed a sort of gray area depnding on one's stance on each. Of course, I argued why abortion is wrong (of course, I'm conservative). But the issue of abortion has always troubled me not because it is a problem itself, but because it is just one of the symptoms of a deeper malignancy: lack of self-accountability.

This is not just a problem of today, like some prefer to point out. There have always been those who don't want to be told they can't do whatever they want, but today's information age such immaturity is far more visible. This is a problem that has existed for as long as humanity has been around.

Who does this relate to abortion? The better question is who is out there having sex (not for the first time) without knowing that it's biological purpose is to produce offspring? I'm not saying people shoudln't enjoy sex; we're meant to enjoy it, but you need to know the potential consequences before just leaping in, and most do. I'm not trying to say that everyone who gives in to the "passion of the moment" is stupid, but rather that our culture as a whole is forgetting the importance of forethought in our actions. If you know you want to have sex but have no desire for having children of your own, than do the smart thing: women can go on birth control, men can have vasectomies. Either option is a lot easier than having an unwanted child. But people still ignore this, and want to do everything the "easy way".

The problem with the easy way is that it is not easy at all; it only shifts the real effort to later, and also multiplies it greatly. But some many have become so short-sighted and lazy that it doesn't matter. They don't want to handle the responsibility because it is too hard; they no longer want any challenges in life.

But reality does not afford us that option, though the prosperity enjoyed in America has fooled some into believing it. I guess in that respect our prosperity has become our curse. There are activists who demand accountibility from the politicians they hate but want none for their own actions, people who want everything handed to them by others out of a sense of self-entitlement, and those who would rather deny the existence of God than face the possiblity that they actually will have to answer for their actions to an power than cannot sidestep.

Abortion is just a symptom, the real disease is in the minds of people and in their refusal to accept truth.

-the Progressive Conservative

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